Why feed the world? 848 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy, active life.

152 million children under the age of 5 are too small for their age due to insufficient diets. Like you, Convoy of Hope finds this unacceptable. We believe every life has value. Because of that, we’re determined to bring help and hope to the hurting.

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Each year on Easter Sunday we give a special offering to Convoy of Hope’s One Day to Feed the World, as part of our Kingdom Builder’s Initiative. By taking part, you will help transform the lives of children by helping provide healthy living through nutritious food, clean and safe drinking water, and much more. Work one day. Give that day’s wage. Your “One Day” can change their every day! Look below to learn more about how Convoy of Hope helps transform lives all over the globe and how you can give.


4 Ways to Give

To give to “One Day” be sure to designate your giving to One Day to Feed the World.

One Day to Feed the World is biblical:

You extend kindness to others and to the Lord.

Matthew 25:40

You provide food and better access to safe drinking water to children and families.

Matthew 25:35

Local farmers are taught how to produce more food to feed more families.

2 Corinthians 9:10

It opens your eyes to the genuine needs of people and gives you a tangible way to be part of the solution.

Deuteronomy 15:11

You receive a blessing from the Lord.

Proverbs 19:17

Thank you for Giving!