Want to lead a project, but not sure what to do? Check out the project planning guide for practical ways to start planning and preparing a project for Serve Day!

Serve Day Project Ideas

  • Leave treat bags and handwritten notes for your neighbors or delivery drivers

  • Do a prayer walk or prayer drive in your community

  • Put together a dinner kit for a family in need

  • Clean up a widow or single parent’s yard

  • Help with home cleanup or repairs for those who are physically or financially unable to do it themselves

  • Make kits for families in ICU, nursing homes, etc

  • donate time with your small group at a local food bank

  • go to a laundromat and offer to pay for peoples laundry. While they wait, talk to them, pray with them.

Serve Day Curriculum for Small Groups

RPM- Reach People Movement is a 6 week curriculum complete with study guides and videos for each week. Download the curriculum below or if you prefer a book you can purchase one here.